Design Tips
General Tips
Before you proceed with printing take a mockup or sample of your mail piece to Address N’ Mail and make sure in meets all the postal regulations. Better safe than sorry. This can save time and money.
Plan adequate lead-time for your mailing. Take into consideration development, product, printing and mailing process times.
Do not staple folded mailers since it is difficult to process the mail piece through various postal machines. Instead have them tabbed by Address N’ Mail. In most cases, to meet postal regulations, the top edge of the folded mailer must be the open edge.
Address N’ Mail Permits
Please consult Address N’ Mail prior to using any of the below permits.

Postal Requirements for Envelope Layout

Laser Letter Address Placement

About Us
Address N’ Mail uses a sophisticated system that permits the processing of a wide array of customer needs. This includes ability to handle secure electronic data transfer from our customers, list cleansing, merge and purge, National Change of Address, mail merge, invoice production, and much more. In-house printing of cards, flyers, brochures, and booklets is available in black and white or high quality color.