1. Know exactly what the mailing is supposed to accomplish.
    Do you want more inquiries or is the objective to get inquiries which will convert into sales, or is it really to get more profitable sales? Or do you want to do a good will or institutional job?
  2. Write your copy so that the recipient will know what your product or service will do for the recipient!
    Have you appealed to his or her selfish instincts or have you have you used all your space talking about yourself, your president, and your beautiful new factory? Have you made your copy human and easy to read? Have you given all the information your prospect needs to take the action you desire?
  3. Make the layout and format of your mailing tie in with your overall plan objective.
    Many a potential success has turned into a dismal failure because someone forgot that appearance is an important part of the selling impression.
  4. Address each mailing piece (correctly) to an individual or company who the product or service you have to sell.
    The list is the absolute foundation of a successful direct mail.
  5. Make it easy for your prospect to take whatever action you want him to take.
    Have you included response card or return envelope? Every mailing should have a call to action: Inquiry, purchase, referral, contribution, phone call, visit to a local dealer—an action that the mailer wants the prospect to take.
  6. Tell your story over again.
    Very few salespeople make a sale on their first call. It isn’t reasonable to expect a single mailing to produce a large return. Think about sending out frequent mailings to a target mailing list.
  7. Research every mailing you make.
    Never take anything for granted in industrial direct mail advertising. Don’t even trust your own experience. You cannot rest on your knowledge. Times and results change. What worked last year may not work today.